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Tag: humor

Not The Mueller Report

Tired of the coarse level of the national discourse? Fed up with partisan politics?  Exhausted from trying to keep up with the news? We have just the thing for you, a surefire way to put a little levity back in your day.

Not The Mueller Report

Recognizing the intense bickering that grips the nation, Not The Mueller Report does absolutely nothing to address it. Instead, it tackles the really critically issues important to the future of the country. Walking meetings. Corporate podcasts. People dressing their dogs up for Halloween. 

Knit Wits

I walked by Wilson’s office and did a double-take. I stopped, backed it up a few steps and
stood looking in. Then I stepped inside and tried to make sense of what I was seeing. 

“Are you…”

“Knitting,” Wilson said, with pride. A level of pride that was disturbing.